

like excercise, the longer i waited to get back into blogging the harder it became to start up again... its been a crazy few months, what can i say?

i recently discovered the website of Todd Selby, called The Selby

seriously inspiring... i love not only the beautiful photography of people in their homes, but the small insight into the lives of all these interesting people and adorable couples. its always been such a thrill to me, getting a sneak peek into the lives of others... like walking down a dark street at night and seeing a lighted window where framed inside is this mini vignette of a scene, a moment of someones life.

in the process of a serious overhaul in my life right now... and thinking this blog needs the same...


color full.

(mood fabrics, nyc)

one of those days. perfect weather, walking, wandering around the city, strong coffee, running errands, meeting people, popping in stores, getting things done, being inspired! IDEAS GALORE!



a poem i wrote about a crush when i was 16 years old.



Rodin sculptures from the MET museum

this is love.


moving picture.

Jake Davis Test Shots: Caggie Dunlop from Jake Davis on Vimeo.

by jake davis

i would love to begin doing more short videos in conjunction with/as opposed to photoshoots of my clothing... i think there is so much more about a person, clothing, the feel of a line, that can be conveyed through the energy and subtleties of a short film.



photography by patrick stroub

some shots from a photoshoot i styled last weekend (and though you can't see it well, the black ripped sweater in the middle photo is one that i designed)



perfect summer days make me want to preserve the moment in a painting as soft and serene as these.


old soul.

photo by aaron farley

it strikes me that people often misuse the term "old souls" to mean a young person who has wisdom or maturity that seems like an adult. personally, i believe that people who have "old souls" are people whose actual souls have been around in the world a lot longer than others. there are life-cycles going on all the time, in nature and in the world, and it only seems logical to me that our souls could have a life cycle of their own. why should this 80-100 years that we are here on earth be the only "lifetime" of ours out there, when the rest of life is not a straight line with a beginning, middle and end, but one big endless circle?

through all the things that our different souls experience, whether it is through bodies here on earth, or through some other experience in the ether which we can only imagine, our souls must be learning, growing and maturing. we have all met people who seem “young at heart” or just "immature" no matter their age, and there are others who seem to have a wisdom beyond their years that doesn't come from a classroom or a book. people connect with others regardless of age or life experience, due to similar thought process and (i believe) state of their souls.

there are people i've met who i feel an immediate and inexplicable connection with, who i can know for years, or just for a day, who despite everything, i feel closer to and more connected with than others i've known my entire life. I absolutely don’t believe this can be explained by biology and physical chemistry. perhaps these are our true "soul mates”? not a romantic bond, but someone you connect with on a level that can't be qualified simply by a good conversation, what topics you agree on, or similar interests you may have.


in my opinion, i believe that we are all nothing more than these complex souls, experiencing life here on earth through these bodies that we are born into. when i think of who I AM, it doesn't have anything to do with my body or anything physical that i do. it has to do with how i feel and what i think and the connections i make with people, places and things in life. how can this be dependent only on my brain and body and nerves and blood when my mind feels so separate from my physical self? how is it possible that the way i feel, in my thoughts, who i am, would disappear just because my blood leaves my body, or my lungs stop taking in oxygen?



(highlights from the current fashion exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum)



(Norman Norell - Evening Ensemble, 1970–71)

the current fashion exhibit at the brooklyn museum (which i haven't actually visited yet) features this outfit among others... i am enamored with this look and the organza sleeves and the big bow at the neck remind me of some pieces i've created in the past (no wonder i'm drawn to it). i love classic designs and how they can still translate over the years! i really must do more pieces with organza, its structured and holds shape so well and yet its still light and elegant. all the flea markets i've visited and the vintage shopping i've been doing recently make me nostalgic for a certain look and quality of work that only seems to found in pieces from this era...



(alek wek models in an editorial for how to spend it mag)

wooden beams and floors, teal sneakers moved to a beat and the texture of your hair in your face as you moved, dancing, sweating. standing, swaying, curious and unnoticed, like the slices of orange and pieces of string holding everything together. a stomping pulse and something changing and feeling still and alone and happy in the midst of this moving, breathing thing. a breath of fresh air unusually clean and lights lights lights sparkling across the horizon.


big city.

(photography by lily ferguson)

we've built up our world, created a hard space where we live and work, (where i sometimes feel trapped but where i mostly feel free) with stones and brick and glass and metal and plastic and paper and steel and height and shapes and gas and wheels and rubber and wood and concrete.

we circle around each other through subway lines and boroughs and bars and buildings, never touching, communicating through writing and text and music and wires and airwaves. and sometimes words. sometimes.

and even when i hate it, i find myself looking around at the confusion and chaos and loneliness and crushing weight of it all and can't help but admit that it is all, somehow, still very beautiful.